Health Wealth Management educational presentations connect with employees and instill lasting healthy habits.
Discussion topics are customizable, geared toward the needs and interests of employees, and include critical topics to employee well-being, such as physical activity, healthy eating, ergonomics, behavior modification, and stress management.


Motivating Movement This presentation discusses the latest research on the many benefits of exercise, from treating anxiety and depression to improving brain function. It explains the amount of physical activity necessary to achieve these different benefits and includes tips on how to include that activity in a busy lifestyle.
Safe Workout Techniques This presentation teaches proper form to ensure a safe and effective workout. Attendees learn the mechanics of basic exercises that make up the bulk of workouts, such as push-ups, squats, lunges, and crunches. Learning which muscles groups are used in these exercises and how to properly engage them will ensure that employees get the most out of their workouts in the safest way possible.
Nutrition And Fitness Knowing what to eat before and after a workout can be tricky. This presentation explains the importance of food as a source of fuel and energy as well as which foods help optimize performance for any exercise goal.
No Gym, No Problem This presentation teaches employees how to put together a fitness program outside of the gym. It explains how to structure effective workouts in a home or work environment using inexpensive equipment as well as shares resources for getting the most out of every workout.
Fitness Trends Unveiled This presentation discusses common misconceptions of exercise and some of the latest trends and fads associated with staying healthy through fitness. Employees will gain a better understanding of different types of workouts and how they suit specific goals as well as tips on how to navigate and understand different fitness fads.
Ergonomics Office-based employees often spend most of their day sitting at a desk, looking at a computer screen, and/or per- forming repetitive movements that can lead to injury and stress on the body. Adopting an ergonomically-friendly workspace can reduce the risk musculoskeletal disorders associated with these behaviors. This presentation educates employees about the benefits of having an ergonomically-friendly workspace as well as how to adapt their own space into one. Employees will also learn the importance of proper posture and stretches that can be incorporated into the workday to prevent injury and stress on the body.


Clean Eating This presentation focuses on the concept of clean eating and how to implement this behavior into one’s lifestyle. Employees will learn how to make clean eating work for their lifestyle and understand how to incorporate different methods of clean eating into their day.
Smart Nutrition For Busy Professionals Eating right can be a challenge, especially for busy professionals always on the go. This presentation focuses on how to eat healthy throughout the entire day despite how hectic a schedule becomes. Tips on healthy meals and snacks will be included as well as tricks to fit in fuel during a busy day.
Meal Prepping Techniques Meal prepping may seem scary or time-consuming, but this presentation demystifies meal prepping myths! Attendees learn quick and easy meal prepping ideas and tips to create meals for the entire week without spending all day in the kitchen.
Breaking The Sugar Habit The prevalence of sugar in modern diets leads to addictive relationships with sweets, creates imbalances in the body, and results in fluctuating blood sugar levels. Bringing the body and mind back into a balanced relationship with sugar can help maintain a healthy weight, reduce the risk of illness, boost energy, and stabilize moods. This presentation explains how to break the sugar habit and lead a more nutritionally-balanced life.
Demystifying Food Labels Reading food labels can be confusing. This presentation explains which parts of the label are important, what to look out for, and what those unpronounceable words really mean.
Great Grains Although demonized by modern fad diets, carbohydrates are an important part of healthy eating. Attendees of this presentation learn the ins and outs of carbohydrates, how to differentiate “healthy” vs. “unhealthy” ones, and how to incorporate these great grains into a balanced diet.
Dieting Myths Debunked This presentation demystifies fad diets to give employees a better understanding of what works, what doesn’t, and why. It explains how to build a healthy lifestyle to achieve and sustain a healthy weight.
Recipe Renovation Favorite meals such as pastas, lasagnas, burgers, fries, and baked goods can be delicious but also very caloric. Attendees of this presentation learn how to adapt favorite recipes and meals to make them more nutritious and healthier with simple swaps, tricks, and hacks.
Dining Out 101 This presentation teaches creative techniques for eating healthy while dining out. Topics include understanding portion control, menu reading, healthy swaps, and more. Employees also learn creative tips and techniques for enjoying delicious and healthy meals out.
Grocery Shopping Techniques This presentation takes attendees on a virtual tour of the grocery store to learn healthy shopping techniques. Topics include understanding food labels, which aisles to avoid, and how to navigate the grocery store like a pro.
Eating For Energy Time to say goodbye to the post-meal afternoon slump! This presentation focuses on effects food has on the body and mind as well as how to make healthy choices to provide the fuel needed to boost energy and keep it steady throughout the day.


Stress Management Made Simple Stress can be very harmful to the mind and body if not managed properly. In this presentation, employees discover the different types of stressors that can affect the body, the impact stress has on healthy living, and various stress relief mechanisms.
Meditation 101 This presentation is for everyone who is interested in learning how to meditate, regardless of background or belief. It is geared toward learning how to relax the mind, sharpen concentration, feel more energized and refreshed, and ease stress and anxiety.
Retrain Your Brain The brain is one of the most powerful muscles in the body, and negative moods often result in reduced productivity, difficulty focusing, and decreased happiness. This presentation discusses methods of retraining the brain to focus on a positive mindset by transforming negative thoughts through gratitude, mantras, observations, and more.
Mindfulness And You Mindfulness is an integrative, mind-body approach to life that helps people relate effectively to their experiences. Through simple mindfulness techniques, attendees of this presentation learn how to pay attention to thoughts, feelings, and body sensations in a way that can increase awareness, help manage difficult experiences, and create space for wise choices.
Healthy Aging – Brain Health And You Aging effects all parts of the human body, and as the brain grows older, it may become harder to remember certain things, multi-task, or even pay attention for elongated periods of time. This presentation illustrates how simple behaviors that improve cognitive function can be practiced to keep the brain sharp and healthy…at any age!
Better Balance, Better You Work, family, friends, appointments, bills…life is filled with important to-dos! This presentation is geared to help bring balance and time management into focus for a more productive, less stressed, and more fulfilling life.
Gratitude – A How-To Guide The expression of gratitude can do wonders for overall health and happiness, and this presentation focuses on how to bring the practice to life. In addition to highlighting the health benefits of gratitude, tangible examples are provided to help develop the skill of being grateful.
Beating Burnout Burnout, a syndrome caused by excessive and prolonged stress, effects about two-thirds of all full-time workers. With work-related stress on the rise, this presentation discusses how this newly recognized medical condition is impacting employee health and provides tools and management skills to combat burnout in with workplace.


Sleep Tight Tonight Sleep is required for optimal health, but at least 40% of people don’t get enough. Sleep rejuvenates the body’s ability to function properly, almost like recharging a battery. This presentation explains how much sleep is needed to function optimally and why it’s so vital for health. It also teaches simple and effective tips and tricks to improve sleep quality.
Fatigue – Is It Really Just Lack Of Sleep? Fatigue comes in multiple forms, both physical and emotional, and isn’t always due to lack of sleep. This presentation demystifies the symptoms of fatigue and explains what happens to the body and mind when fatigue sets in. It also explains lifestyle adjustments to help employees feel their best.


Overcoming Setbacks Employees know all too well that life doesn’t always go as planned. It’s easy to skip the gym to sleep in, replace a meal for a meeting, and stress about daily life to the point it hinders health and well-being. Setbacks like these are common but don’t need to be permanent. This presentation helps employees bounce back from setbacks and get into the swing of things with better nutrition, fitness, and mental health!
Behavior Modifications This presentation identifies unhealthy behaviors and shares creative ways to replace them with healthier ones. Employees learn strategies to effectively and sustainably make healthy changes.
Creating S.M.A.R.T. Goals Not all goal-setting is equally effective. Learning to set the right goals and how to best achieve them takes time, practice, and a little bit of guidance. This presentation helps individuals set effective goals by learning how to make them S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely).
Unplug Yourself In today’s technology-filled world, it’s common for people to be consumed by their smartphone, tablet, or computer. Tech-forward lifestyles can take a toll on physical and mental health, but there are ways to balance technology and healthy living. This presentation unearths the downsides of constantly being “connected” while providing tips and tricks to unplug to improve overall well-being
Productivity 101 The goal is to make the most of out of time spent at work, but it may prove difficult when there’s a lot to juggle. This presentation addresses time and task management to keep organized and boost productivity! Takeaways include ideas on how to make the most of the workday, increase efficiency, and utilize tools to help stay organized.
Giving Back Making a positive impact can greatly enhance health and well-being. This presentation explores easy and unique ways to make a difference by giving back. Walk away with some great ideas that can be practiced to create more positive experiences for both the giver and receiver.


Healthy Holiday Guide Most holiday celebrations involve a lot of food as well as some extra stress. From family gatherings and office par- ties to shopping and traveling, many people end up consuming more food and being more stressed than during the rest of the year, which can lead to poor health. In this special holiday presentation, employees learn how to enjoy the holiday season while maintaining their well-being.
7 Dimensions Of Wellness Wellness is much more than merely physical health, exercise, or nutrition. It is the full integration of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. This presentation explores the seven dimensions of well-being (social, physical, emotional, spiritual, environmental, occupational, and intellectual) as well as how to incorporate each into daily life.
Heart Health 101 With cardiovascular diseases being the number one cause of death globally, focusing on the importance of a heart-healthy lifestyle should not be limited to the observance of American Heart Month in February. This presentation discusses the importance of heart health and provides steps that can be taken to make heart-healthy choices year-round.
Summer Safety Summer is the perfect time to enjoy the great outdoors, but too much fun in the sun can compromise one’s health. This presentation will encourage outdoor safety by exploring different precautions that can be taken to ensure a safe and healthy summer!
Give Immunity A Boost The immune system is the body’s protective army, working to maintain health and prevent illness! Several factors like physical activity, nutrition, and sleep can impact immune health, and this presentation will discuss the many ways to ensure a strong and healthy immune system for happiness and health all year long.
Power Of Prevention Disease prevention is extremely important when it comes to staying healthy and avoiding getting sick. This presentation focuses on the importance of proper hygiene and disease prevention as well as action steps you can take on a daily basis to keep your immune system strong.
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  • In addition to leading wellness technology solutions, Health Wealth Management offers a wide range of onsite and virtual services, providing employers with a complete wellness experience. From health coaching to fitness classes, Health Wealth Management adds the human interaction that gives wellness programs a personal touch. Health Wealth Management can also connect the diverse parts of a wellness program by incorporating wellness services participation directly into challenges.
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